Scroll down to get to know me before we meet officially!
I am very passionate about my craft and would love to share my journey with you!
Where it all started…
I was young. My father had a film camera and I would volunteer to take the pictures on my family outings.
I always wanted a camera for myself and always asked for one for any gift-giving occasion. I finally got one! I started with a tiny point-and-shoot I received for Christmas and fell in love with taking portraits.
Photography was never something I would think I could turn into a career. I was turned down from my high school’s photography class and was told to focus more on my fine art work. I was devastated. While I was in university, I saved up for a DSLR and a film camera. My major was something to put me closer to becoming a medical doctor and I really wanted to become a surgeon. As the years passed, I used photography as a creative outlet to take away the stress from university. Photographing my beautiful friends and nature around the university campus was very relaxing. I would attend photography events and photowalks to learn more and enrich myself in this art form. It became challenging because I was balancing a heavy course load with an artistic hobby I grew to love. Before I knew it, I was being asked to photograph people’s portraits, events, and weddings. I decided to photograph people and realized it was paying for my university tuition and living expenses.
As I was deciding to attend medical school, I was already in love with photography. It was always on my mind and my heart was in it. Before committing my life to medical school, I decided I wanted to see if a surgical career was right for me. My time at university got extended so I can earn a degree to become a surgical assistant. My ticket to peak behind the curtain. I was the top of my class and received a job offer before my graduation day. I was ecstatic! Photography was always there on the weekends and after work. Surgery is a tough job. Lives of family’s loved ones in our hands and we do our best every day, every hour, and every minute. It is a thankless job, but the best years of my life was in the operating room. I’ve seen things you can’t even imagine!
One day, after scrubbing out of surgery, there was a message on my phone about someone seeing my portfolio and offering me a job to photograph for their company. This was a large Fortune 500 company. I said no. Yes. I said no to this door opening. A few months later, they called again and asked if I would reconsider. I said…yes…reluctantly. Leaving a secure job made me nervous, but my girlfriend told me to follow my heart!
Photographing in the big leagues. It was quite a jump for me. Believe it or not, my photography career started snowballing even faster. I started working on larger projects and with more experienced people. I learned so much diving into the commercial world. After a few years of that enriching environment, I did what a lot of photographers dream of doing, I opened a photography studio in Oklahoma City.
I opened STUDIO V and it is everything I dreamed of. I am honored and humbled by having these experiences and life gives you interesting gateways. All I can say is, follow your heart and your passions. Make time for the people and things you love, and life will do something interesting to give you the right direction. Synchronicity!
Scroll down to learn more about me!

Why do I LOVE doing this every day!
Photography is everywhere. It is on the billboards you see, the magazine on your desk, the menu at the restaurant you ate lunch at, and on the social media pages you follow! It is everywhere! Why do I create photographs? I create photograph because it lets me capture my mind’s eye. It allows me to capture how I see the world and how I see the person sitting in front of me. Beauty is all around and I just want to capture it.
Photography is an old art, and with modern techniques, it takes a lot to create something unique. I love a challenge and I appreciate the roots of photography. I still capture images on film, yes 35mm film. I also photograph with medium format film cameras and dabble with large 4x5 format photography. Photoshop is an instrument, but I try to be disciplined and not use it to completely alter my images. The beauty is already there, I just capture it with the most flattering light!
There is beauty is all forms of art. I love cooking, eating, and pretty much anything to do with food. It is the only art that nourishes the body. Photography nourishes my mind! I think everyone loves taking photographs either on a small camera or his or her phone. I just strive to learn every day to elevate my craft.

What I believe in when I am working behind the camera.
My passion is photography and I love sharing my vision with people. Photography is something that says a thousand words, but what thousand words do you want to say? I want my portraits of you to say you are confident, you are worthy, and you are beautiful. That is how I want you to feel in front of the camera and after you experience your photo session with me.
From the moment you reach out to me, to the day I give you your final prints, I would like you to feel as we were long time acquaintances that caught up. In a world of instant gratification and high turnover, my goal is to create something timeless for you or your business. Remember checking out the photo prints in your grandparent’s suitcase in the closet? What about the next generation to follow? All of the memories we capture are on our phones and those phones eventually get replaced. I love photographs and I love them printed onto something tangible. Something you can hang on your wall in your lovely home.

Let’s work together!
I love bringing something creative into your life. Collaborations create something we both can be proud of. The kind of person I love working with is someone that is personable and friendly, professional and courteous, and of course someone who appreciates the quality of my work. We can sit down and naturally have a conversation about your vision and bring it to reality. Great photographs occur when the relationship between us is great!

I am a craftsman. I work with other professionals as well!
An Oklahoma City based photo stylist & set designer. Amanda elevates the photo by combining textures and colors in a magical way. From underwater themes to products for a business, Amanda styling is timeless. Amanda services and rates range depending on the details of the assignment. Available for consulting, workshops or other styling related projects.

Let’s Discuss YOUR Vision
4229 Royal Ave Suite 106
Oklahoma City, OK, 73108
United States